Friday, July 26, 2013

Crazy girl is starting to show off

Kali has definitely figured out that her Mommy is the best in the business!  Her personality and smiles are starting to show thru.  We had a boys and Mommy tickle session at the end of breakfast - Kali really liked it.
She has shown a LOT of interest in stacking cups and in following Mommy!
We had a great experience in the pool this morning.  She even left Mommy to go to Medko!  Definitely a water baby, even trying to drink the water.
She has been eating semisolid food quite well - still interested in formula but much more interested in congee with chicken, tofu, honey nut Cheerios, watermelon and green beans.  Due to gas, we switched over to soy formula and she is doing much better.  Some face puffiness has disappeared too.
She had been getting formula in the middle of the night too - midnight and 4pm but is fine with a little water or Donna's touch.  She is also fine with sleeping until 8am or so.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting trip for all of you. Can't wait to see a picture of Kali.
